We believe that Dana Pellebon has the experience, integrity, insight, and determination to lead Dane County toward greater racial justice and to help build the kind of community we say we want but never manage to achieve, a Dane County in which everybody can thrive.
At a candidate forum we hosted with Freedom Inc, Urban Triage, and Women’s League for Peace and Freedom-Madison last month, we listened to both candidates as they engaged with questions about racial justice and laid out their vision for taking on the racial disparities that have come to define our county. Dana answered those questions with refreshing candor and with the insights of someone who has worked on and provided leadership on these issues for decades.
Dana has specific, clear-headed solutions to our county’s most pressing issues, including housing access and affordability, investments in young people, and the ongoing harms of our criminal justice system; she has the community-driven approach we need to finally transform this county for the better; and she is, unequivocally, the stronger candidate on racial equity. It’s clear to us that Dana knows what it is to do deep work in community and partnership.
We have been disappointed in the political dynamics that shaped the early stages of this race, when Dana’s opponent quickly received a string of endorsements from politicians and organizations holding a lot of power. We have deep respect for the relationships Melissa Agard has forged as a longtime political leader, but we’re troubled, to say the least, by what we see as the establishment’s willingness to overlook and underestimate a candidate of Dana’s caliber.
In Dana Pellebon we have an extremely qualified Black leader with decades of experience and a vision for making this community better. Her expertise comes from years of working on behalf of the most vulnerable. And her power comes from understanding what it will really take to transform this county into one in which everyone can live.
We’re proud to endorse Dana Pellebon for county executive.
Get to know Dana. Early voting begins October 22.
Families for Justice is a network of people working to dismantle white supremacy in Dane County and beyond through multi-generational community organizing and direct action. Learn more here.